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Before You Board That Flight- Dental Care Tips While Traveling

Illustration of hygiene best practices

Dental emergency can strike anytime. Even when you’re about to board your flight. The question is, how to ensure optimal dental care even while you’re on the go? There are certain things to consider strongly before you decide to fly, especially if you recently underwent a dental procedure. AIMS Dentistry, the best dental clinic in Mississauga, tells about the various precautions one must take to avoid on flight dental mishaps.

Take travel insurance

If you thought travel insurance is just to safeguard your belongings in case of theft or misplacement while traveling, you’re not digging deeper. Travel insurance can also include any medical emergency you may encounter while on flight and you may require immediate treatment in a foreign land. See if your travel insurance includes dental emergencies or not and make sure you get that included. In case you experience extreme toothache, you should be able to visit the nearest dental clinic located where you’re going to avoid unnecessary delays.

Get dental check-up before flying

Before a week or so of your scheduled flight, get an appointment with your dentist and have your fillings/crowns/implants checked for Any trapped air. At higher altitudes due to pressure difference, the air may expand or contract causing extreme discomfort and pain. To avoid such a situation, a dental check-up prior to your trip is a must.

Stick to your dental care routine

Whether you’re waiting at the terminal for a connecting flight or you’re on flight, you must stick to your dental care regime at all times. Continue with brushing and flossing and keep a travel dental kit separate for such occasions. That kit may include a dry and clean toothbrush, toothpaste, non fragrant waxed floss, mouthwash if prescribed, and painkillers prescribed by your dentist in case of acute dental pain. It’s always good to keep all these things handy to be prepared for any dental emergency. Avoid travelers often ignore dental care while it should be included in your list of top most priorities. For expert dental care tips and for booking a quick dental appointment, visit AIMS Dentistry, the best dental clinic in Mississauga today.

Request an appointment

We’re always accepting new patients, and we’re always excited to meet Mississauga families who are looking for a better dental care experience. Whether you’d like to visit for a check-up and cleaning or more complex treatment, get in touch today!